A captcha is usually used in a web form. It serves to differentiate between real users (humans) and computer based programs (bots). Captchas usually contain testing numbers and letters in a box which only humans can read.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a style sheet language used to enhance the look of a webpage. Unlike HTML, CSS offers a lot more power to control how content is being displayed on the page.
Also known as CMS, a content management system is a tool used to manage a site’s content, design and functionalities. The main advantage of a CMS is that it offers an easier way to edit content of a web page or site from a browser-based interface.
Content as it name suggest refers to all the information presented on a web page. These can be in form of texts, images, videos or sounds.
A cookie, (also known as browser cookie) is a preference file saved into the visitor’s browser. A cookie serves to store information about a website and makes it load faster when revisited later.